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Friends Forever

I remember walking into kindergarten for the first time super scared. What was I to do without my mom or my sister for half of the day?! Everything was so foreign. I was in a new land of crazy colored carpets and weird animals shaped like a letter of the alphabet on the walls. It is a memory I will never forget. Lucky for me, I made some amazing friends in that class, whom to this day, we remain close. For me, to tell others that I have a connection with people I have known for over 32 years, is by far the most proudest moments for me.

I hope this friendship and connection stays with Gemma and Caroline. You see, Caroline is moving. Her family is being re-located to Alaska. These two, spend their days together listening to music, dancing, singing, & drawing. Tara asked me if I could surprise the girls with a photo shoot to document their friendship..well, of course I said yes. They jumped on beds, blasted Taylor Swift, and even held a snail race for me. I had so much fun!

I have a really good feeling that these two will remain friends for a very long time. I see the joy they bring each other. I see two smart little girls that will grow up remembering their childhood together.

I can hear them now, on the phone telling secrets to each other, exchanging advice…even if they live thousands of miles apart.

“We will be friends forever, won’t we pooh?” asked Piglet.

“Even longer.” answered Pooh



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